Similar to a wedding, in the quinceañera tradition there is a flower girl, called the damita. She's a special, symbolic member of your court, representing the little girl you once were as everyone celebrates the woman you've now become. I encourage you to follow the tradition, and have some tips to help you.
Selecting your damita: It's typical to pick a girl between 5 and 10 years old, usually a cousin or sibling. I recommend that she be no older than 10 years old. You don't have to be related to her ?? she could be the daughter of a close friend or neighbor. What matters most is that she is a girl whom you want to have a special bond with forever. You're going to become a role model to her ?C your quince will shape the dreams she has for her own. You will be spending a lot of time with her, during rehearsals and when shopping, and you can take the time to explain to her the importance of the tradition.
Extending the invitation: Before asking your favorite little girl to be your damita, you should talk with her parents and get their approval. Traditionally, they will pay for her dress and accessories, and they will take responsibility for making sure she attends your rehearsals and fittings.
Dressing her: The flower girl can be a miniature version of the quinceañera. I've seen the damita wear a mini, matching version of the quince girl's dress. Usually the matching flower girl's dress is custom-made. If the budget is limited and your dress isn't sold with a matching damita gown, have her wear a plain white dress, new or gently used, with a big sash and bow tied around the waist in the color of your theme.
Accessorizing her: You may add accessories like a small tiara, flowers in her hair or a floral headpiece, and short gloves. In the case of the gloves, they look adorable in same color as the sash. Remember that she carries a basket full of petals that she drops, just like in a wedding. The basket can be specially decorated for you by one of the "madrinas." Another special job you can give the flower girl is to hold your shoe on the pillow for the changing of the shoe ceremony, and she can be the recipient of your last doll, which symbolizes that you won't be playing with dolls any longer, and therefore you pass the doll along to her.
If you dare to be different: Other neat ideas include dressing the flower girl like a fairy, a butterfly, or a ballerina, especially if those happen to factor into your party themes. In the case of the fairy, think of all the things you can do with sparkles and LED lights on her wings or around the basket. She can also carry a wand or blow bubbles, instead of tossing petals out of a basket. Keep in mind that if your damita is very young she might not enjoy posing for tons of pictures and will want to run around. Make sure you plan for nap time, and you might want to have her mom nearby with her favorite toys, especially during the ceremonies.